Win win win win win win win!

Mar 24, 2010 21:56

So, lots of win to report:

- Was able to give living room and bedroom mini-makeovers for less than $100 each, and they look awesome. Still lots of cleaning to do, but yay! I'm hoping that uDon will see the look I'm going for and approve of paint chips.

- Dog is a-go! uDon has agreed to write him into the lease (along with a refundable pet deposit), and pick-up date is set for the middle of July. The female (a very sweet tricolor) is due in May, and the dad is a black-and-white, so the B+W color is a totally reasonable expectation. I wouldn't mind a tricolor, either. The female is a phalene, though, but her last litter were all papillons. AND it'll be less expensive, since he's a male, and it's my first choice breeder.

- The second floor is moving out, and we're splitting the two floors between the four tenants already here and two new ones, just like we'd hoped. We're planning to treat it like one big apartment.

- After Fox (no, seriously, Fox called our ISP) issued a cease-and-desist on someone in our building, uDon checked our IPs and, since it was no one in our apartment, could restore our internets. Yay! And now we know that the reason the internet's been crap for a while was because someone was a torrent hub storing copyrighted material of epic proportions. I look forward to it improving.

- Possible new job! Vet practice is very interested in me since I can be both tech and receptionist (two part-time positions right now that add up to full time and I can replace any full-timers that will be leaving) as well as a new business venture of theirs for me to help spearhead. They want my resume, and are coordinating an interview. ZOMG. I had to call elenuial, who was in the middle of something, to tell him. I really, really hope this works out well.

- Calcifer hasn't skipped a meal in over two months! And he's eating faster and faster every week. Howl is still fat. =(

- PAX East this weekend, staying with our lovely host instead of at the crazy hotel. Excited again!

There was more, but right now, this is all I can think of. I will reward myself for hours and hours of hard work by playing Sims 3 a bit and eating mint milanos.

And finally, dogs are awesome. Case and point: a husky calming a fussy baby by singing. Not howling, singing like he would to the pups. Apparently, it works on baby humans, too. (You only need to watch until about a minute in.)

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want!, job hunt with job guns, yay!, life

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