I brought in a new model today.
Brittany's a straight-edge prep girl (an Anna Maria poster girl, in fact) who wanted a makeover for a shoot, to the point where she'd be barely recognizable. However, she knew nothing about punk.
So I threw a few belts on her, along with ton of jewelry and some other accessories, and did her makeup. Nothing too drastic, so as to stay in her comfort zone. Then, thinking of the grunge feel, I brought her to the Sprinkler Factory.
OH BALLS WAS IT COLD. But she was a trooper, and we got some spectacular pictures. She apologized in advance for her inexperience (she's fairly new to this) and asked me to direct her as much as humanly possible. So I did just that, occasionally moving her manually into a good pose, or trying to get the right expression. She was so used to smiling for the camera that she almost did it compulsively. This, however, was not the way to go for what she wanted, so I kept reminding her to keep it aloof. I actually caught myself short of yelling "Smile?! Punk kids don't smile! D="
I'm also noticing that I'm getting better at using Photoshop, which I'll cover in my next post. It's amazing how fast I'm learning this tweaking crap. And photography, too! I love how these came out, and so did she. She thanked me tremendously for my help, and I like to think that I showed her a side of her that she didn't know. She actually said as we were reviewing shots that "I didn't know that you could not smile in pictures and have them come out so good!"
As I said to
elenuial last night as I listed my various improvements, "Whatever. I win at everything. It's ok."
Also, I need to pick a flagship image. One that encapsulates the shoot. What do you guys think?
EDIT: Fixed. I just moved them all to Photobucket. Does Picasa not do well with hotlinking? I've only just started using it today.