(no subject)

Oct 03, 2007 14:43

This is going well I think.

My scales here are useless but when I weighed myself when I came back here I was about 15 at night, under that in the morning. Since then it's at about 14 and a half at night and slightly under in the morning. So as you can see I need new ones :P It's not very accurate at all, so the sooner I get electronic ones the better :P

Been for my walk up the hill today, so that's some calories burnt and then I'm going to meet Andrew soon at the bank and then to Morrisons and then to the pet shop, so more exercise there.

I've also offered myself for some dog walking a couple of nights a week and have had a reply from a woman with two labs she'd like walking and will be down at the beach area on the nights, so it works out pretty well. Just need to speak to Andrew about it and I think he'll be up for it, if not I am :)

I think the main thing here is that you sorta need to get into the habit of this lifestyle. For so long I was in the habit of just eating absolute crap and not exercising and now it's getting into the right frame of mind to keep up the better eating and exercising and stick to that. Obviously, it's going to take a while to get used to but I'm hoping to get there eventually. And I've stuck at it a week which doesn't sound a lot but it's the longest I've stuck to anything like this, so go me.

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