family: the one you choose (fanworks fundraising for aka)

Jul 05, 2014 20:34

I've met a lot of really wonderful people since I've been in fandom. Some of the best people I've ever known are ones who I never call by their given names. And one of my favorite people is
akamine_chan. She is incredibly smart and talented, and she has a good heart and a quick wit. I adore her. And she's having a really, really terrible year. She posted this update today, and this fanworks fundraising drive. I want to do everything I can to help, so I thought about what I could do. I took a really honest look at my life and realized I could not in good consciousness offer fic for this, because it'll be a miracle if I can finish any of the things I've already committed to writing, and my muses have been incredibly fickle lately.

So what else is there? I can't art or podfic or make icons, but I knit things. All kinds of things. Except for socks. Socks are my kryptonite. But I do shawls and scarves and armwarmers and hats and bags. I'm pretty bad at remembering to take pictures, but you can see some examples on ravelry, AO3, IMadeAThing, and my journal. Or ask
akamine_chan or
andeincascade or
mizface - they have stuff I've knit.

I have no idea how to price hypothetical future knitting, so let's try this. I'm going to list and link to thing's I've made before, and you can figure out where whatever you want would fit on the scale. Alternately, give me a specific pattern to price. Or, let's talk about your ideas and firm up a plan and then we'll price stuff.

One very important caveat: work is kicking me in the ass this month. Things will be knit in a first-requested-first-done order, but probably nothing will be done before mid-August at the earliest.

A simple hat, without color changes, cables, or lace (kind of like this) would be $15
A more complicated one, with color changes, or with cables or lace (like this one I've knit before), or with extra bits (like the zombie hat I made for miz) would be $25.

This is a market bag I've made a couple times before - one is kicking around my car still (I'll try to find a pic) and one for the MJ raffle last year. It's made of sturdy cotton yarn and I'd price it at $25.

A simple scarf without cables, lace, or color changes (like the green one here): $40
A complicated scarf (with cables like this one I've made, or lace, or color changes like the impala scarf I made): $65

A simple shawl, like this one I've made several times, would be $50 (not for complexity, but for the lovely, lush alpaca yarn)
A complicated shawl like this one that took me 9 months to make the first time, would be at least $120 because of the amount of yarn and the pain-in-the-ass factor of that effing beading.

Sound reasonable? Leave a comment if you have any questions/concerns or if you want to work out a deal for a specific pattern. Or if you want to talk about any other kind of piece, like arm warmers or potholders or coasters or whatever.

ETA: Okay, I'm full up on knitting projects that I could possibly manage in a timely manner. But please check out the other offerings at Aka's, including socks by melusina, a scarf by shinetheway, fingerless gloves by theladysnarkydame, and knit accessories by elaineofshalott. Everyone has been so generous with their time and skill and their cash. It makes my heart so happy, y'all!

This entry was originally posted at my dreamwidth. Comments are welcome either place.

my flist is made of awesome, family, yarn, fundraising

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