Fandom Snowflake Day 7 (life outside fandom)

Jan 07, 2013 17:54

Day 7
In your own space, share something non-fannish about yourself. A passion or a hobby or a talent, something that people might not know about you. We are more than just our fandoms.

Um. Something I do that's not work or sleep or this. I think last year I talked about knitting and stained glass. But now my knitting is fannish and I talk about it all the time, and I haven't had my glass out in more than a year, so... OH, oh, okay. I still cook for friends fairly regularly. We used to have a weekly supper club, but now it's more like once a month. We get together and cook something theme-ish and we watch a video, or knit and chat, or play board games. I really enjoy expanding my culinary horizons, and it's such fun to have a regular group to play board games with again. In college, we had a weekly game night and 30-50 people would show up and play a dozen different games at once at our friends' house. This is nothing like that, but I have gotten the group into Settlers of Catan, Carcassonne, etc. Next up: I'm cooking either the 19th or the 26th. I'd like it to be the 26th so I could do a Burns Supper again. (No, I don't do haggis. Because left-over haggis is the grossest thing imaginable. But I do a Scottish themed meal and force people to read poetry, so it totally counts.) My games are mostly American or German games, but I bet we could play Quiddler with special rules that Scottish words count. Or, you know, words you can convince the rest of the group are real Scottish words. ;)

This entry was originally posted at my dreamwidth. Comments are welcome either place.

food, games, snowflakes

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