Jan 28, 2012 13:58

This week has been super crappy from a work point of view. But from a fannish point of view, it's been freaking amazing. My own personal more joy week.

Joyous Thing the First:
More icons from
baronjanus, one for the Chasing Smoke 'verse, one of Tim White rocking out on bass, and one from a pic of Rico and Hugh (Greg and Eddie on Flashpoint) being goofy that I've been meaning to icon-ize forever:

Joyous Thing the Second:
A new, shiny default icon made for me by
podfic_lover of my pretty blue bass:

Joyous Thing the Third:
Today in the mail, I got a card Ray K sent to Fraser. It must have gotten misdirected somehow. ;)


Front of card:
Someday, many years from now, we'll look back on this crazy time in our life together and wonder how we did it all... and then, those ordinary, everyday moments that we often take for granted will shimmer like stars as we recount them... I'll sit close beside you, you'll take my hand in yours. We'll look at each other and say: "I'd do it all again... and I wouldn't change a thing."

Inside of card:
There's no one I'd rather go through life with than you. Happy Anniversary.

And then Ray wrote:
Okay, so technically it's not exactly our anniversary, since we, technically don't have one, because we just started this thing a few months ago. But all the Valentine's Day cards I looked at were dumb, so I got this one instead, because I can actually get behind what this one says. I wouldn't change anything, except for when I hit you, because that's not buddies. And I'm never, ever doing that again, not even close, even though you're going to make me crazy for another 30 or 40 years. At least you'd better. =) Love ya, Ray

Awww, Ray!! *pets him* He's so sweet and I love how well his voice came across in this card. Very him. Fraser's a very lucky guy. =)
This entry was originally posted at my dreamwidth. Comments are welcome either place.

friends, you guys rock my effin socks, happy

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