i wish i was a radio song, the one that you turned up

Jan 07, 2012 21:30

Snowflake Day Six: Stuff you didn't think you'd like, but you tried it and totally loved it

1. Tip, Slide, Tumble by
j_s_cavalcante. Due South, Fraser/Kowalski, rated adult. It's kidfic, and that's really not my thing. But it was written by one of my favorite authors and recced by
mysticalchild_isis, who has impeccable taste, so I gave it a whirl. And, oh, wow. I love this fic like burning, you guys. It makes me cry and it makes me laugh and it makes my heart swell a few sizes.

2. Lift by
spuffyduds. Due South, Vecchio/Kowalski/Fraser, rated adult. It's wingfic, which is a genre I was like 99.7% sure would never be something that appealed to me, and it's also Kowalski/Vecchio with Fraser added in, which I was 99.9% sure wasn't ever going to be a ship of mine. In the end, I kind of read it out of desperation, because I had read everything else Spuffy had ever written like twice already. But Lift is amazing; it's funny and sweet and hot and believable from a relationship standpoint as well as a due South magical realism standpoint. And I freaking adore the Vecchio in this fic. I have the worst time wrapping my brain around him sometimes, and finding his voice when I write. This is now my go-to muse!fic for Vecchio voice.

3. I'm ashamed to say this, but podfic in general is on this list. I had avoided it because I'm a fast reader and am kind of impatient when it comes to getting MOAR STORY and never had much luck with books on tape. I didn't get that podfic was it's own artform, and I had no idea how very special it would be to listen to fan-read fan-works. I started listening just over a year ago. I was knitting a pair of really boring baby blankets and figured it would be like getting to read fic while I knit. My first podfic was
luzula's wonderful reading of The Reaching Out One by Alex51324, and I totally fell in love.

Snowflake Day Seven: Wishlist

1. An icon for my big bang firefighters 'verse. Because I love them to bits and they have taken over a large chunk of my brain with their insistence on having more of their story written. Or a hazelwho icon. I love my default icon like whoa, but I have always wanted a ME icon.

2. Podfic of anything I've written. I put up a blanket permission comment on amplificathon on LJ and DW at
podfic_lover and
andeincascade's urging a while ago. But I am going to update the profile page of my journals to reflect permissions too. So, there, those of you who asked that others who were comfortable do this, that's one more person down. =)

3. Art for my fics. I freaking love art. And I totally fail at it. I believe we covered this Thursday? But I was lucky enough to get two amazing artists to work with on big bang last summer, and I've got the art they did for Chasing Smoke printed out and hung up in my bedroom still. It makes me happy every single day, no lie.

And, finally, just thought I'd share: AU Bingo Cards - I haz one! =)

This entry was originally posted at my dreamwidth. Comments are welcome either place.

fic rec, snowflakes, happy

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