fic round-up (3 due South)

Apr 01, 2011 13:13

I am quickly realizing why people get so OCD about their master fic lists. I've been writing for all of about five minutes and I'm already losing control of mine. So, in the interest of bookkeeping, here we go:

I've got two for ds_snippets :

Fracture. Fraser/Kowalski post-CotW angst, rated teen, 300 words. On LJ, DW or AO3.

Identity. Fluffy F & K post-CotW, rated G, 300 words. On LJ, DW or AO3.

And one for the Due South Kink Meme:

Fingertips. For the prompt: Fraser and Ray are tied together, and their fingers stroke each other when they try to undo the knots... Then they continue doing the little strokings, even after they're untied, without talking about it to each other..... Fraser/Kowalski, rated teen, 800 words. On DW or AO3.


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