60: A Dance through Time: Images of Western Social Dancing from the Middle Ages to Modern Times Jeremy Barlow
A fascinating look at illustrations/paintings of dancing. Very interesting to see how attitudes to dancing have changed too.
61: Jill Philip Larkin
In the introduction Larkin describes this as an extended short story, and I think it would possibly have been a better short story. It was December's choice for the book club, and it got mixed reactions. I think I liked the first half more, I found the charaterisation in the second half very strange.
62: The Crimson Rooms Katherine McMahon
The puzzle of whodunnit was very well done, and I liked the characterisation throughout. I like the way that the aftereffects of WWI on the early 1920s are shown through the story too. I also found the afterword about the early female lawyers to be very interesting - they had to put up with a lot.
63: No Other Life Brian Moore
January's book club read, read early so I could lend on. I wasn't sure about this at first, because it starts very slowly, but the plot gets very intense. An excellent story and a very atmospheric setting. Certainly there is a lot to think about, and I am sure there will be a lot to discuss.
64: Frost at Christmas R.D. Wingfield (kindle)
This is the first Frost novel I have read, and I really enjoyed it. It is interesting to see what they changed for the tv adaptations (apparently Wingfield didn't like the adaptations). It managed to be both funny and dark, with good characters and an excellent plot.
64 books. Not bad.