That bow on Tess' dress isn't very flattering.
Ricky & Erin - Jive
I am not sure about that jacket or that opening. I did like the dance overall. I thought it was a good opening. Might have been a bit slow. I do like it when Bruce shows he can still dance at his age. Almost 2 stone lost - well done! 25 - his second lowest (thanks Mum)
Jade & Ian - Viennese Waltz
I do like her dress - odd choice of music though. Quite a good waltz, considering the dodgy music. What have they put in Bruno's water this week? 35 - very good indeed!
Ali & Brian - Jive
Bruce has a bee in his bonnet about this couple, but I have seen more in the papers about Joe & Kristina. I love Brian's jacket - purple for the win! Great music. I lie Ali's dress too. I think there have been a couple of mistakes in this, but they are doing well. Too many stops - I think Ali isn't sure of the routine. Nice ending. It is so hard to let go though - I struggle with that too in my dancing, so I can sympathise with Ali. 29 - very good all things considering, even if it is their lowest score.
Jo & Brendan - Viennese Waltz
I do like Jo's dress, very elegant. Better music too. I think she did really well. Woah - Brendan has taken Jo off. Bruce is standing up for Jo too. Takes Two is going to be good next week. Thank heaven for Len and Alesha. 23 - her highest score yet - she *is* getting better every week! Which is the idea.
Zoe & James - Jive
I quite like her blue - especially with the hair band. I would never have thought of Tainted Love for Jive though. Good spinny thing. 30 - not bad, but her joint lowest score (thanks Mum)
Ricky & Natalie - Viennese Waltz
Oh I do like the sweepyness of her dress. Viennese Waltz week is always my favourite dress week. That was a lovely waltz. 36 - highest score of the season, and the first 10!!
Craig & Flavia - Jive
Love the music, hate Flavia's outfit. Craig seems to be doing better, and looks a bit happier. Like the ending. Dad dancing - not a compliment. 20 - half marks, and his lowest score let.
Joe & Kristina - Jive
Not bad outfits. Don't like the opening. OK music. Oh dear, he is not good. Kristina is doing her best, but she can't carry it by herself. 21 - I don't think he was better than Craig
Natalie & Vincent - Viennese Waltz
Oh I love her dress. Len isn't going to like that opening. I don't think this was her best dance - it didn't really flow enough. 27 - not bad. I do love Natalie's attitude.
Laila & Anton - Jive
Fab catsuit! Anton shouldn't have his chest out though. You can tell she is struggling, but she is doing ok. Odd music. I think Len is right. 22 - not bottom!
Tuffers & Katya - Viennese Waltz
I like the grey suit, very unusual, and goes well with that lovely silver frock. Lovely music too. Quite nice, but Len isn't going to like the faffing about. 27 - quite good.
Chris & Ola - Jive
Fab braces. What an opening, and perfect music. Chris is doing really well. Love the finish! I don't think Craig is being fair. I didn't notice his timing as much as the judges seem to have done. 22. Lowest score, not bottom though.
Pro Samba
Why have all the girls got matching dresses but the blokes not have matching shirts? Anton does look funny when he does Latin.
Tango Waltz
Not sure about Flavia's dress, but I do like Vincent's waistcoat. These dances are always better with the proper music. I am really enjoying this.
Spandau Ballet
Thankfully the version isn't too new. Love that lift! We should have more dancing and less focussing on the band though - this is a dance programme.
Results/Dance Off
Ricky & Natalie - no surprise there. Natalie & Vincent - good. Tuffers & Katya - good. Jo & Brendan - no surprise after the stalk off. Jade & Ian - good. Ali & Brian - yes! Ricky & Erin -good. Craig & Flavia - a bit of a surprise. Chris & Ola - yes! Laila & Anton - yes!
Joe & Kristina and Zoe & James in the dance off. I am really surprised that Zoe & James are in the dance off (perhaps it was the music), they should go through though.
This is going to have been a huge blow to Zoe, but she isn't letting it show. Good on her. Joe jhas gotten nearer his knees with his kicks, which is something. He did get better - but I hope he goes.
Zoe and James stay in. I don't think that is a huge surprise. The judges have got rid of Joe the first chance that they got.
No sock update this week, it is too much faff on the netbook.