Thanks to Apollo...!

Jun 21, 2003 18:17

what is love? something indescribable. It's complete bliss.
name three things you feel very passionate about. people, animals, education
does fire fascinate you? ohh yes
do you have a short temper? sometimes
are you warm hearted? I think i am
do you feel intense emotions? yep

are you bright? yes, i think i am
what are the three most wholesome things you have done lately? hmmm... odd question. But, took care of my kitten, took a shower, and prayed.
is vibrance a good characteristic to have? sometimes
are you rich in self confidence? i'm confident but not overly confident
are you rich in vitamin c? haha... i drink tons of orange juice.

are you a happy person? Yes
do you like the sun? Yes, but rain is better
do you ever feel utter and complete joy? When i talk to Andrew and when i'm with my kitten!
do you feel like the volume in your life is all the way up? It's too quiet
do you feel warm inside when you hug people? Yes!!

are you lucky? i think so.
are you easy-going? Yes
are you mischievious? hehehe.. very much so at times
are you very lusty/sexy? uhm.. not hardly
ever find a 4-leaf clover? yes, i have before
are you fresh like a mint? well, i don't feel like i am.
does nature speak to you? all the time

do you love to look at water? ohhh yes
are you calm/relaxed? most of the time
is it difficult to upset you? yeah, it is
are you at peace? yes
are you comforting? yes
are you well balanced? i am now
are you content? Yes
are you royality? hmm.. no

are you free spirited? definitely
are you conceited? sometimes i can be, but when i talk about myself in that way, i'm usually joking
do you have a passion for indulgence? no
are you a grape? Oh my gosh!! According to Brandon, yes i am!
are you a purple horseshoe? hahaha.. that would be awesome. But, ONLY if it had glitter.

are you less than intense? i'm pretty intense
are you feminine? not particularly. i mean, i'm a girl, but i'm not a prissy girl.

do you absorb everything possible? yes, i try. sometimes, it's hard to absorb the bad
are you energentic? Yes

are you expensive? no way
are you worth it? hmm.. hope so

1. Is your hair naturally curly, wavy, or straight? Long or short?

Naturally curly and short, but i'm growing it out

2. How has your hair changed over your lifetime? I used to have such long hair when i was younger, then i got it cut, and since i got it cut for the first time, it has always been short.

3. How do your normally wear your hair? up

4. If you could change your hair this minute, what would it look like?

Make it longer and shinier (sp?)

5. Ever had a hair disaster? What happened? Oh man, i was trying to cut my bangs by myself, and i messed them up pretty bad.
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