The Roller Coaster

Mar 26, 2007 23:57

I am moving. I am excited. I am pumped now because my office is cleaned and, for the most part, packed!! Woo hoo.

I am tired. Last week was one fantastic week. Actually a couple bad things happened too, and those events contributed to my fatigue, so I should say it was quite an eventful and emotional roller coaster. But it came out all good.

The week started off badly with a beloved pet having to be put down, as well as a break up of a long term relationship.
And then I got word that I got my job at the Police Station back. Talk about relief. I was so excited on Friday I could barely contain myself.
On Sunday, I got written into the worship team schedule. I have been going out to practices for the past couple weeks, kind of as an audition, so being put into the schedule means I can actually start performing with them for the services. I got put onto Darren's team, which makes me happy.
I also found out that I still have my job at Michael's. I haven't been officially terminated, so if they need extra help, I'm there. And I still get my discount. Bonus.
All the while, we move into the new house, which is a whole bottle of emotions right there in itself. I found my favourite place already - the alcove that contains my piano. I was admiring it last night. I love it. I love the whole house.

Everything is falling into place.

This upcoming week will be the second half of this amazing ride. Today was somewhat mellow, but tomorrow will be more packing and cleaning and moving, as well as band practice, and the Sparlings arrive in town. Wednesday is some big furniture moving, and Wed night is worship team practice, and then I go into work at 11:30pm for midnights. Thursday the Starchoice is being moved and installed, and hopefully phone and internet. And Thursday night is Heather's bridal shower. Friday is... sleep, and in the evening, a birthday party for Rahne, Avie, Lisa and Josh. Saturday is more sleep and then something with the Sparlings in the evening. Sunday is church and then birthday party with the family for Dad and Avie. And then Wrestlemania in the evening.
All the while continuing with packing and moving loads here and there.

I'm a little disappointed with the lack of help anybody has offered - aside from the very numerous offers I've received to "watch the girls". I can't help but feel just a little insulted by that, but whatever. I'm sure any argument I make, no doubt someone will retaliate with, "well you didn't ask", which is true, but then again, nobody offered either.

Add in there the lovely head cold I've developed today and I'm just a bundle of every emotion out there!!
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