The Thirteenth Entry

Jan 30, 2010 15:00

[There is something very strange going on at the fountain in the center of town. Namely, there is two people there to do a duet of a song that you would never song you would never expect out of the two in question. ...And dressed in ways you would never expect anyone to be dressed in winter. Charlotte Hazelrink and Senel Coolidge. Good times, right? GOOD TIMES. I linked that particular video because it's actually entertaining to watch if you feel so inclined.

Now, specifics: Senel's outfit and Charlotte's outfit (though it is worth noting that as Charle's boobs are huge her outfit is in practice skin-tight at the chest... and a v-neck as the buttons have burst a little at the top. I hate making such a big deal of her boobs but they are HUGE okay. AND this performance is with the two of them standing on the bench/ledge of the fountain. Balance, clearly. Charlotte's wearing some nice uggs snow boots as footwear, whereas Senel's got on something more conventionally idol-y.

The first thread is Senel and Charle tagging eachother for the duet itself. Other than that, uh, reactions? Talking to them when it finishes? Talking to the people next to you about it? Go nuts. Anyway, before the performance begins, Charlotte announces to the main square-]

Uhm... Okay everyone! I've got something important to say!

[And then she turns to Senel, winks, and then in her singing voice (which I should note, even though it never comes up in the anime, is likely surprisingly good given she's probably had vocal lessons-)] ♪ Anything you can do, I could do better. ♫ [This comes complete with an accusatory finger point at Senel... and then the second part-!] ♪ I can do anything better than you. ♫

@valvalis, duet for the ages, singing is good too, @fenimore xelhes, charlotte is codependent, @no-ah joo, @terra branford, @derek bliss, senny is my bff, @arche klein, derp, @ema skye, @stella telmes, luceti idol's newest contenders, @aerith gainsborough, @senel coolidge, @sasarai

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