Mar 02, 2006 00:02
Seems everyone neglects Livejournal these days! Myspace take over your brain I'm telling you! I've found myself wondering alot lately if I will ever know what I really want. Indecisiveness is my best friend! Make a decision, excitedly pursue said idea, enivitably get bored, moved on and the vicious cycle continues... I've spent the last 4 day SOO stressed about school and work. I have cried everyday over it and I don't know why. Other than I'm stressed out and I hate everything I do. I'm about to drop 2 classes and try to make it through the semester, since it is already paid for. But I can't honestly say that I'm going to go back or not. I just feel so conflicted. I just want to spend sometime evolving myself and figuring out what it is I want and what matters to me. I just can't handle being stuffed into this cookie cutter image of who I'm supposed to be. I know what everyone thinks about this... "the chances of you going back..." But if I don't well that could be equally bad for me... I'm so confused about the whole thing and my mind is just going in so many different directions. OH! And we may be moving sooner than once believed. The big move wasn't supposed to be until next Sept... now it maybe this Sept... if not then it will probably be March... I can't tell you how happy that makes me! It is just time to get the fuck away from these little hick towns I have lived in allll my life. I just don't feel like I belong here anymore. That may be b/c I'm such a drama queen though... I belong on the streets of New York... like Rent ... MINUS the AIDS! Which BY THE WAY is the BEST Rent that is! Yes I already own it and have watched it 5 times! LOVE IT! Anyways there's my monthly update! Later!
To days of inspiration
Playing hookey, making
Something out of nothing
The need to express-
To communicate,
To going against the grain,
Going insane, going mad
To loving tension, no pension
To more than one dimension,
To starving for attention,
Hating convention, hating pretension
Not to mention of course,
Hatind dear old Mom and Dad
To riding your bike,
Midday past the three-piece suits
To fruits - to no absolutes-
To Absolut - to choice-
To the Village Voice-
To any passing fad
To being an us for once ... instead of a them!!