Dec 06, 2008 09:47
Jobby-job: Teaching kindergarten is getting better. The kids are responding better to me. The 2 major behavior problems have settled down into adequate behavior problems. Having me there every day, seeing that I'm not leaving the classroom after 2-3 weeks, is probably a stabilizing effect. The staff is getting friendlier. My room is getting more organized; I'm slowly making it "mine." This past week we read the story "Stone Soup" for reading; to connect it, I did our science lessons about "plants we eat" and studied vegetables that grow under the ground. Then on Friday, I brought in my crockpot and we made "stone soup." The kids ate it up (figuratively and literally).
Grad School: I have one more semester to go! I'm finishing up a final project (due tomorrow by midnight) and am procrastinating by updating this instead.
Social Life: This part of my life has been hopping, due to the introduction of Dude, Wendy, and assorted coterie. Last night a group of us went to watch "Gremlins" in Central Park. Fun open-air movie with everyone lounging on blankets with picnic baskets and wine bottles. Hilarity was inevitable. Having been up since 5 a.m. prepping for "Stone Soup" I fell asleep for a bit on Quibbler's leg. When I woke up, his hat was covering my face. Then we went back to Dude's house for a bit of Rock Band, and they proceeded on to a game called "Bang." I tried to stick around for it, but I was whipped, so went on home. They're planning a big Christmas party in 2 weeks, and I've been drafted to help with food. I'm going to Savannah for New Year's with them as well. Looking forward to it.
Family: Immediate family is good. In the last year, we lost my Nana in April, and my grandfather in November. Thanksgiving was hard, but we made it through. I spent part of it at my aunt's; it time. I left there mid-afternoon, and went to Dude's, where a huge assortment of singletons, couples and extended family members gathered. I had a ball...till 3:30 the next morning. That's how the holidays should be!
Health: It's awesome. I haven't felt, or looked, better in years.
The only thing that really really needs my attention is my condo. It is really messy thanks to Christmas decorating, mucho teacher crap everywhere, and ebay stuff that has not been ebayed yet.
OK, I lied. The OTHER thing that really really needs my attention is my final project. I have to create a wikispace with my article on how morning new shows in elementary schools combine technology and creativity with the students. Blah.
school job,
grad school,