Xmen Big Bang!

Jul 11, 2012 02:31

Hello journal! Still haven't mastered this, but I am here to post the art for my first ever big bang! I was paired up with the most lovely fengirl88, the authoress of the fantastic fic "The Chapter In Your Life Entitled San Francisco" which I was lucky enough to illustrate. Without further ado, here is my final product:
The original piece I submitted for claiming (livejournal seems to have shrunken it *pout*):

this one comes next chronologically, when Charles and Erik are first checking out the guru's shop:

and this one was of course my favorite to draw *snerk* BECAUSE OF THE BACKGROUND OBVIOUSLY.

and a sad little sketch that never got developed into a full drawing because of the evil mistress known as school who ate up most of my time these past few months, and left me sadly neglecting the mutant darlings. This was going to turn into the scene in which Charles is having a spectacular pout about Erik being hit on in a cafe:

In conclusion, Fen is wonderful, big bangs are fun, and James McAvoy, while stunning, has the most impossible face to draw.

xmen, art, cherik

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