Pretty much about to pass out from everything but fatuege...
Philmo PC is still out. Now that I'm back and realize this again, I wanted to cry :-(. But not really. Speaking of Philmo PC, my daddy and I were talking about computers and such again and how he's still gettin' free high-performance actionage from work due to his work upgrading stuff. Well, apearently he has this Dell workstation (basicly a desktop that is like hardcore beefed up) just collecting dust with processor that would pretty much run the world if I had enough will-power to manage the world...So, I asked him what his problem is? Why didn't he bring it home or at least bring it home instead of all that other stuff that takes time to set up and customize the house to use? Maybe you have to understand like computer junkie jargen but it's quite upsetting to hear :-P
Mission: 'Do it up' went alright. Better than the previous two times but nothing too special. Which in of itself is kinda depressing but I am deff grateful that it's waaaaay better than the past two times. BTW, the mall is evil. On the way down friday it was overcast here in Haverhill and totally not looking happy outside. The second we left haverhill and passed Lawernce the sky was breaking and you oculd actually see the sun. Ceaderville was 70+ degrees. Haverhill was pushing 50. On the way back up Ceaderville was gettin pretty hot and wicked sunny. Boston was kinda so-so then started raining a bit later on. Haverhill was like The Perfect Storm to the max. Minus the boats in the face. Whatever weather. Your face.
I love public transportation! It's never easy nor time effiecient so you can spend hours inbetween connecting rides! On that note: Boston is beautiful in the rain. Cloudy skies brings out the concrete jungle's glow all the more.
Because I have 3 hours to get from South Station to North Station and catch the next train, I decided to take a walk around to, 1. get to know the area a lil' better; 2, kill 3 hours without dying in North Station. Too bad I already spent money for the "Charlie" and rode to N Station only to walk past S Station and back...I am the best at planning adventures :-)
So, in my aimless wondering I stumbled across Fanuel Hall. Oh S N A P. So many people to obsever, so little time. That and the food was pretty good. I sampled just about everything in that hallway. I was walking down the hallway and I heard this really random seagull like DIE or something. Seriously, I was ready to fall over lauhging. But I didn't and randomly ended up walking past the aquarium and down Independce wharf (how origanal) and almost to England but i took a right just before then and ended up at some random Hotel de Really Expencivo Crapalea. Seeing how it started raining after a walked 2 blocks from N Station...yeah...wth. I pretty much didn't care that the rain at times was so hard that it was hitting my face sideways at 34,545 mph, exactly. Eventually I thought that freezing in the rain again wasn't fun so I stopped by Ye Rightious McDonald and cop'ed me some McChickens. I am totally having issues wih spelling chicken. Anywhooo, that place was seriously the designated black resturant. I didn't see a single black person in Boston UNTILL I went in there. There were 7, including me. 3 were a family who spoke Africanese, the other 3 were these wannabe gangstas who had the hardest time ordering from the menu. I can't even read the menu and I could figure it out wellll before they could figure out hom much cash they were going to need to pay a total of $3.34. Just seemed so stereotypical.
I finish my Rightious meal of light and goodness and leave and there was this hobo sleeping in the outside window of McDonald's. Pretty much humbled the crap out of me while I whipped out my PDA to change the song...a little ways down the walk there was two more hobos. well, a hobo and a hoba. The hobo randomly "got up" and staggard around this collum hardcore like if it was the thing to do. He fell into some by-walking couple and sat back down. he hoba got quite a kick out of it. As did I. feet down the walk from them was Business Bob, the hobo with a cellphone on the side of the walk. He looked kinda confused. And cold, poor dude. When I got back to N Station I had an hour till my train even came in so I found a corner that wasn't occupied and sat'n'doozed-off. I woke up to a security gaurd asking me questions so i paused my theme music and answered him. He just was mking sure I wasn't just sitin' there for no reason...aka: hobo po po.
Feel really bad for the hobo people. I don't know how they got there or how but I can't imagine giving them even $100 would help them for long. Not that I did or even could but I was in the rain for 2 hours, they're still there. I dunno. That just sucks.
My name is Philmo, and I am an up coming OCD adult-like person.