(no subject)

Aug 10, 2004 22:32

Straight/Gay/Bi? Straight
Single? yep
Want to be? I dunno...sometimes...
Your age: 15
Age you act: older
Age you wish you were: 18
Your height: 5'7 - 5'8
he color of your eyes: hazel
Happy with it? yeppp
The color of your hair: blonde
Happy with it? yepppp
Left/right/ambidextrous? right
Your living arrangement? Parents and twin bro

any pets? yeah..3- 2 dogs and a cat
What's yourjob? I dont have one...I did work in the snack bar
Piercing? ears
Tattoos? NOOOOOOOOOOo and I dont want any
Addictions? Starbucks????
Do you speak another language? fluently? NOPE
Have a favorite quote? ummmmm..."Life goes on..." ???
Do you have a web page? live journal

DEEP THOUGHTS ...about life and you in it...
Do you live in the moment? sometimes
you consider yourself tolerant of others? Yeppp
Do you have any secrets? Yep
Do you hate yourself? Nope
Do you like your handwriting? Nope
Do you have any bad habits? yep..
What is the compliment you get most from people? I dunno...I look wayy older..is that a compliment...I dunno...lol
What's your biggest fear? being buried alive or dying
Do you ever pretend to be someone else just to look cool? Nope
Are you a loner? hell yeah...jk...no not really...
What are your no. 1 priorities in life? College...family...friends...love....
If you were another person, would you be friends with you? Sure
Are you a daredevil? Nope
Is there anything you fear or hate about yourself? I'm 2 sensitive
Are you passive or aggressive? hmmmmmmmm good question...not agressive
Have you got a journal? yes ..this one
Do you think you are emotionally strong? yep
Is there anything you regret doing/not doing in life? No regrets...well maybe a couple of lil things
What is the most important lesson you've learned from life? not to care about what other people think...or that even on the worse days it always seems to get better
What do you like the most about your body? my hair or my beauty mark ...lol
Do you think you are good looking? sometimes
Are you confident? sometimes...yeah I guess
Fictiontional character you're most like? what the heck...
Do people know how you feel? some do
Are you perceived wrongly? yeppppppppp sometimes

Read the newspaper? sometimes
Pray? yep not as much as I should
Go to church? yes
Talk to strangers who IM you? yeah
Sleep with stuffed animals? nope
Take walks in the rain? yeah
Talk to people even though you hate them? yeah I guess,,,I dont really hate anyone tho
Drive? yep I got my permit

Liked your voice? no not really
Hurt yourself? what do u mean??? on purpose?? nope but I run into walls and doors all the time...
Been out of the country? nope
Eaten something that made other people sick? nope
Had sex? Nope
Been unfaithful? Nope
Been in love? NO
Gone skinny-dipping? Ummmm....Nope

Had a surgery? yep..on my mouth...lol
Ran away from home? No
played strip poker? No...not yet..jk
Gotten beaten up? No (well by my bro..lol)
Beaten someone up? No... (tried to beat him up)
Been picked on? I guess
Been on stage? Yeah
Slept outdoors? yes (kristens party and camping)
Thought about suicide? NOOoope
Pulled an all-nighter? yeppp
Gone one day without food? yeppp
Talked on the phone all night? nope
Slept together with the opposite sex without actually having sex first? NOOO what the heck???
Slept all day? Nope
Made out with a stranger? Well...no notttt really
Had sex with a stranger? NOOOOOO
Thought you're going crazy? All the time
Kissed the same sex? ya (haha mary haha) jk I havent yet
Been betrayed? unfortunately
Broken the law? nope
Have you ever killed an animal by accident? Nope
On purpose? nope
Told a secret you swore you wouldn't tell? who hasnt??
Stolen anything? nope
Been on radio/TV? yep both
Been in a mosh-pit? yeppp
Had a nervous breakdown? nope...felt like i was going to tho..dumb math tests
Current shoe brand? what type of shoes? sandals...roxy
Cologne/perfume? whatever i take from my mom
Wear hats? every once in a while
Judge other people by their clothing? No...I try not 2
Wear make-up? heck yeah
Favorite place to shop? mall...
Favorite article of clothing? skirts
Are you trendy? kinda
Would you rather wear a uniform to school? hell no

Do you have any gay/lesbian friends? Nope
Who is your best friend? Mary
Who's the one person that knows most about you? Mary

Did you get frightened or uncomfortable seeing that as a section title? Nope
Do you remember your first love? dont have one
Still love him/her? nope
Do you consider love a mistake? nope
What do you find romantic? hmmm the beach..i dunno little random things
Turn-on? hott smart guys...funny...outgoing...nice...
Turn-off? dumb guys...conceited jerks
First kiss? yeah......
Have you ever been romantically attracted to someone physically unattractive? Nope
Do you think the opposite sex finds you good looking? I dunno..I hope so
What is best about the opposite sex? the way they make u feel...they make u nervous and give u butterflies....lol...and thye can make u feel good about urself
What is the worst thing about the opposite sex? they can be very conceited and only want something from u
Do you read porn? Nope
What's the last present someone gave you? I dunno...my mom buys me stuff ..does that count?
Are you in love? Nope

You wanted to kill? well...we wont go there...
That you laughed at? mary...haha...the lil bus..jk...i was laughing with ya
That laughed at you? my mom or mary
That turned you on? ummmmmmm
You went shopping with? mom
That broke your heart? nobody
To disappoint you? well.....
To ask you out? stephen was the last person I went out with others have asked but...yeahhh
To make you cry? I never cry
To brighten up your day? Mary or my mom
the last person ou thought about? i dunno
You talked to on the phone? Mary or my bro
You talked to? my mom
You saw? my mom
You lost? nobody
You wanted to be? Nobody
You told to fuck off? well...I feel like telling that 2 a bunch of people but i never do
You turned down? ****ie or ******l

Smiled? 20 min ago
Laughed? last night
Cried? long time ago...4 months...like i said I never cry
Were sarcastic? today
Kissed someone? couple months ago
Had a nightmare? long time ago
Talked on the phone? hour ago
Listened to the radio? this morning
Watched TV? like 2 min ago
Went out? three hours ago
Were mean? not today
Sang? hour ago
Saw a movie? ten min ago
Said, "I Love You"? 2 my mommy haha...like ten ago
Missed someone? I dunno my dad and my bro r in Boston
Fought with a family member? lonnng time ago
Had a serious conversation? last night

done weed? NOPEEEEEEEEE and wont
Got drunk? Nope

Dang.....this thing took forever...it was kinda fun tho..I wasnt go to post it but after all that work I guess I will...anyways...see ya all soon!!!!
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