Jun 01, 2010 14:40
- I've taken the idea of the writing group and put it in-between the back and front burners. I'd have to find a place to meet (if people were not keen on meeting in a home), design how many hours we'd meet, and then *fill* those hours. While not unlike what I do at a LARP, when action or conversation slows down, you can always throw things at it. Not so much if you meet in a coffeehouse (they'd frown on that, I would think).
- If I do what the directions tell me to do, why do my house plants and outdoor plants still die? I was looking forward to fresh tomatoes and basil all summer.
- How long does one have to politely listen to a conversation before either excusing oneself from it, lest they say something inappropriate or punch someone in the ear? I have no idea. Conversations between people are only proving to me that I have lost my 'reading' touch. I'm not sure how people 'are', and have to take at monitor-value that when they type out 'fine', that they really mean 'check my Facebook in an hour'. Maybe they're fine, and usually they're not.
- Why is it that when another country is in trouble weather-wise or something along those lines, that some in my social circle feel it's a 'good time to be American' and start pulling out all the racist/third-world country/nationality jokes they can?
- I'm really confused on how to handle my roommate's cats. On the one hand, I'm not my roommate's mom. On the other hand, they're constantly yakking on things, clawing things, breaking things, and then they lay there like 'I'm so cute.' :( Even the roomie made the comment that the cats are destroying our things and stopped destroying his. I'm really sad about this. I'll talk to him today (if he didn't have a bad day at work) to work on an actual compromise.
- I am afraid of not having the Realms community one day. No, I'm not planning on leaving/a break, but I have felt numerous stings recently, the worst one being, "Well, yeah, you got married, but you didn't do anything really before that, so you have catching up to do." ...I have no idea how to react to that other than my O.o emoticon for you all.
- Brigit's Flame is still going on; I'm taking the plunge for writing in their group finally in July (not June, it's too busy).
- Cat Steam-Punk Collar creation for one Roswell is now in construction phase. Attempting to use stuff that is safe for a cat (no, not the cats here) to wear briefly, or if it licks no problems/it won't be trippin' balls.
- I want to learn how to use a mini-soldering iron, but I wouldn't know where to start. I have nothing (that I'm aware of) to solder in our home.
- Which should come first: power-wash deck and installing new deck doors; exterior house paint job; tiling foyer floor; painting the door red with a peephole OR getting a new door that we can see through easily.
- But... if you can CHANGE the situation, if it's within your power to do so; why continuously kvetch and sit on one's bum? Why not go out and take charge and do it/fix it/tackle it/make it happen? I don't understand. If age really isn't a factor, what's stopping so many of us? Is it money? Time? Fear? I know fear stops me a lot.
...I feel a bit better, but now I have to clean cat yuk. :(
Be well!
- Peace.