And so it came to pass that nothing came to pass

Apr 30, 2014 22:49

Today I went outside - and not just to go to the doctor! I have spent the last week and a half either in bed or on the sofa, feeling SO miserable and sorry for myself, comfort watching Friends and Disney films. Mr Wand got ill too and I had to relinquish remote control privileges but that's what Netflix on the iPad is for. It's funny, both of us default to certain TV preferences when we're ill. I crave the comfort of things I've watched before, preferably childhood/adolescent favourites. Mr Wand, on the other hand, prefers programmes where people get tasered. NB: Veronica Mars is the only overlap we found. (Also, I fell down a Kristen Bell google search wormhole and found this Ellen clip which is hilarious).

Last night the cat slept next to the bath in an act of defiant devotion. I can't imagine that the bathroom tiles were comfortable but then again she has always been determined to sleep somewhere that wasn't made for cats to sleep (laundry, plastic bags, book shelves, the tops of armchairs etc. She went through a shortlived period of trying to sleep in the kitchen sink). She has also taken to rubbing her head up against the sides of the shower cubicle, a look of blissed-out adoration on her face. She even got into the shower with Mr Wand this morning. But we have stood firm!

My poor story has been so badly neglected. I really couldn't write when I felt so awful. Today I replanned it roughly and feel much surer about what the heart of the story is. And I found a title, which I only manage to do when I have worked out what drives a story. So I feel a bit more optimistic but now need to get my arse into gear and finish the poor thing off! If anyone would like to beta it when I'm done, please let me know!

cat, r/l, writing

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