Fic: Running Up That Hill

Mar 22, 2014 21:07

As I am compiling all my past stories, here's another one from a long time ago.

Title:Running Up That Hill
Word Count: 12,800
Summary: Harry had spent the first years after the war waiting and trying to fall in love with Ginny and had been unable to. It had turned out all right, sort of. Ginny had settled down with the Harpies’ Seeker and Harry, well, Harry had Draco. Sometimes.
Pairings: Harry/Draco, mentions of Ron/Hermione and Ginny/OFC
Author's Notes: I wrote this story for hd-inspired's Animagus fest a few years ago. Once it posted it became clear that there were things that didn't quite make sense to readers and I wasn't satisfied with the end result. For a long time I felt a bit embarrassed/ashamed of this story. I reread it today and, actually, a lot of it I really liked. I have edited it a bit to hopefully make it a better version than the original.


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