Tell me something nice

Mar 16, 2014 23:25

Hi very mini f-list!

I don't post on here often and I'm the type of person who dislikes pity party statuses on Facebook. But I found myself tempted to post one this evening. (It would have been something along the lines of 'Sometimes you're the pigeon, sometimes you're the statue.') Recently I have been feeling fairly crapped on.

Part of it is work (which I love, but which is always busy and I can never do enough - I always feel guilty about tasks left undone). Most of it is other stuff which is depressing, so I won't go into it, but it's made me more mentally and emotionally fragile at the moment. I can see that this has an effect on the very kind and patient Mr Wand.

I've deleted a lot of this update because the goal is not to bleat and feel sorry for myself. I may be having a tough time at the moment but I am an incredibly lucky person. So, as a cheerful kick up the backside, I'd love to hear something positive from this corner of the fandom. What is awesome in your life? What has happened that is good today? What has made you smile/feel accomplished/do the little smug dance of joy like when you know the answer to the prize-winning question on a quiz show?

Here are mine:

1. I discovered Ben and Jerry's Peanut Butter Cup ice cream in a shop near me. It is delicious, and I am very glad that I only bought a mini tub of it!
2. A fic I wrote recently for an anonymous fest got some lovely comments. After the nice things people said about 4 1/2 Weddings and a Funeral (I'd link it but I'm on my phone) I am feeling a bit more confident in my writing ability, which had just been gathering dust for 7 years.
3. A friend who moved to the other side of the world a few years ago is moving back to my city this summer and I am so happy to see her again.
4. I am flying home next month for a weekend to see my parents and grandmother just because I can.
5. I get to vote in this country for the first time on Wednesday.

I feel better already. Please let me know your nice things - and link if you'd like. My flist is tiny so far and I would love to hear what's going well for anyone who wants to tell me!


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