Hello Folks

Apr 24, 2011 19:54

I think life on Planet Prent has got to about as normal as it is ever going to be.

Having a house and work means that the years of uncertainty and rootlessness are over - though a journey of a different kind has begun as we take on the challenges of our new life and home.

My Seasonal work as Train Presentation Assistant has started with a bang, with several important charters and Celebrations accelerating the Spring cleaning of the Carriages in our care. The joining up of the two Railways and my move of base means that, along with my new colleague, I am now looking after all the carriages of the FR as well as those of the WHR that were under my care last year. I lost count at about 60, though not all are in daily use. The long Gala created by having Easter and May Day together means that lots of toys are out of their boxes this week, however!

Tim continues on the steep learning curve of apprentice to become the head of Signals & Telegraph when the current incumbent retires.  As his skills grow he is taking over more and more of the responsibilities of the role.

We are both studying Welsh at a local evening course, which is hard work on top of a days work. Hopefully it will be worth it if we can start to talk to our neighbours in their first language.

And then there is the mountains, rain forest and coast outside our door.....

Pictures can be found here:

Misc  www.facebook.com/media/set/fbx/  wont all be of trains, honest!

175th Birthday of FR/Official Opening of WHR

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