Evidently, there is a bill in committee which would do its darnedest to get rid of the small farm in the name of protecting the public from salmonella. In response to the peanut/jalapeno/tomato scare, Congress is trying to screw up ensure the safety of food.
http://www.popehat.com/2009/03/09/you-are-why-i-cannot-eat-good-things/ When are we going to wake up and smell the coffee?? Congress cannot do anything but fuck up our lives. Do you really want them in charge of anything?!?! Believe what you want regarding Ronald Reagan, but he had it right when he said “The nine most terrifying words in the English language are, ‘I’m from the government, and I’m here to help.’”
Postscript re: CPSIA, for those who are interested. DeMint, a senator from SC (and one of 4 congresspersons to vote again CPSIA), has an amendment which would ameliorate many of the deficiencies of CPSIA. From what I understand, he tried to get debate on his amendment while Congress was busy passing their first massive spending bill to no avail. It's currently in committee but who knows if it'll ever see the light of day. Consider writing your senators asking them to join their support to the amendment. I wrote Chambliss two months ago (and since then as well) and next thing I knew he was supporting the amendment (after first just responding by saying that CPSIA was to protect our kids) -- don't know if my writing had anything to do with it, but it couldn't have hurt!!!