Title: The Wonders of Tokyo (crappy title??) Author: hazel2883 Genre: Romance/fluff?? Pairing: Keito Okamoto X OC , Yamada Ryosuke X OC Teaser: Please read "The Great City of London First" *grins*
ahaha~~ you made me FLAIL like HARD!!!!! LOLOLOLOL... I'm LOVING the name Rio so so so so much... <3 <3 <3 What happened to Ryosuke and Rio? hmmm... Yama-chan and Rio got married in my mind already //whacked //stoned //bricked //punched //kicked...
:D I can't wait to write you with Hika too xD Don't expect too much from me tho... It will be my first time writing a "mystery" fic >/////< I'm gonna imagine I'm Shinichi... hohoho~~ Lourdes is better than me. ahaha xD
I don't know... this is crappy tho (since I've done it in a rush)
I need a NEW plot. LOL
but thanks for reading~~
(and commenting!!!) *hugs*
btw, I'll be writing about you as an OC of Hika soon ne?
me?? wif Hika???? CHHHOOO URESHIIIII!!
even tho u didnt write anything yet, the idea already make me happy!!
write more~ i want to know what will happen to Lourdes & Keito! Also Ryosuke & *cough*YOU*cough* RIO!!! LOL
I'm LOVING the name Rio so so so so much... <3 <3 <3
What happened to Ryosuke and Rio? hmmm... Yama-chan and Rio got married in my mind already //whacked //stoned //bricked //punched //kicked...
:D I can't wait to write you with Hika too xD
Don't expect too much from me tho... It will be my first time writing a "mystery" fic >/////< I'm gonna imagine I'm Shinichi... hohoho~~
Lourdes is better than me. ahaha xD
nvmd! even when i say my name there, i already fell happy!!
thanks for thinking of including me too~
if u're shinichi, i'll be KAITO KID!!!!!
I shall try my best on the mystery fic :D
Shinichi/Conan!!! SAVE ME!!!
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