(no subject)

Jul 18, 2006 09:14

I am so excited because, as I mentioned in earlier entries, I put up a post in the Denmark International School's incoming student message boards to see if anyone wants to come with me to Oktoberfest and I got sooo many replies!

Then i decided in order to organize it, I would create a mailing list and everyone is repliying and swapping ideas and in every e-mail they say "thanks Gabby so much for planning this, let me know what I can do to help!" and it's so cute.

I feel so appreciated and people seem to really be enthusiasted for Oktoberfest.

Oh and Kimmie, when are you going to Maine? If it's during the week, I want to come!!!

oh and yesterday I spent the day with my dad and it was actually not that bad!

I had wanted to go to the aquarium and my dad wasn't taking me so i was mad. But then we went to the beach. We went Bookie boarding and it was awesome. I got really cut up from the sand though (I wiped out a lot), and i have painful abrasians all over my legs, oh well.
But i got color.

Oh but some assholes next to me were feeding the stupid, gross seagulls. And i hate seagulls, and i was telling my dad that i was about to go over and yell at those people because there were freaking disgusting seagulls all over and i had enough seagulls in high school, and got shat on enough times in high school to want to murder all seagulls.
And just as i was done telling my dad how i got shat on like every freaking day, Once i got shat on three times in one day, A fucking stupid ugly gross-ass seagull shat on me. Like, with more force and volume than usual.

and i freaked out because EW. and It was on my skin because i was wearing a bathing suit and gross!!!!! But good thing I had the ocean to wash it off with, but still.
Fuckin' A. Why is it always me???

I don't know what else....
I am at work and I am bored and procratinating actually doing work, which there actually is something, but i don't feel like doing it right now.

and i am tired and i need my coffee, only they don't have any more sugar, and i forgot to bring some. and splenda is too sweet and gives me a headache.

oh, I was reading the newspaper and there is a movie out called Gabrielle!! How exciting!!
It's french.

Ok, now i really should go. peace homies.
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