
Mar 09, 2009 12:48

This weekend was busy and fun, but tiring. Saturday I drove to KASF, then had dinner with Dafydd and Ebeth and crashed there, then home again and dinner with the adult kids. Tomorrow, I'm going to DC for the Fleetwood Mac concert and will be visiting the Sackler/Freer and maybe my uncle.

KASF was really fun, almost too much to absorb. Maybe there is a post there later, but I can't handle the typing at the moment.

I'm trying to warp my tapestry/continuous warp/rigid heddle loom. I'm off to the store shortly to get enough cotton yarn to do the whole thing in one color, after figuring out yesterday what gauge of yarn was appropriate by using old crochet thread. I'm excited about it as it will be the first use of my studio.

I am also working on a choreography/class based on the one I did at KASF several years ago. I will be teaching this at Pennsic with Bambi as a full choreography. I am now toying with whether or not to teach a drummer to do what we want for this (as Thomas Longshanks does not do Pennsic) or do we want to work from some recordings (there are some juicy period Andalusian stuff available) or do we want to do the readily available, known but overdone Lama Bada.

80 degrees should be good, but my body does not make rapid adjustments anymore and it just seems like a giant problem to me. I'm a sweaty, chubby, hot flashing mess right now and can't find anything to wear.

This morning got off to a really bad start in which my husband knocked one of my decorative plates off the kitchen wall and then I knocked over my precious arabic fleur des leis ceramic glass and chipped it. We managed to get an aerobic workout in anyway. I hope to clean up the weights and do that later today.

I am very excited and happy about the wide array of bulbs that we put in last fall. They seem to all be coming up and even the ones who are just poking their little heads up out of the mulch are giving me great satisfaction.

Later. Running errands.
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