What's really real in the SCA

Nov 29, 2007 10:17

I have an opinion on the current proposed law change, but I am not going to share it here. What I want to say here is something else. I want to say that it doesn't really amount to a hill of beans what the law is or isn't. You know why? The whole reward system is not so terribly important.

My not so humble opinion. The opinion of an almost Quaker. The opinion of someone who spent 25 years in another rank obsessed sub-culture and walked away from that in disgust. OK, I limped away.

An opinion that might make some discount me, that might hurt my 'SCA career' whatever that means. But I am who I am and tend to speak my mind straight up.

Rank doesn't matter. Rank is just the outward symbol of someone else's opinion. So it matters only to the extent that you value that opinion. By extension, polling orders don't matter. Not one hoot, not one iota. At worst, they are the adult equivalent of a fraternity, a club within a club. At best, they are your friends and family. And thus the point of my little speech.

What DOES matter is the love and respect of individuals, and the awards only matter to the extent to which they reflect that for you. Getting a reward you don't deserve tastes like dust in your mouth. Getting accolades of love and respect from your mentors, heroes and companions is ambrosia, with or without the official endorsement of the Crown. Having a big party to celebrate your involvement in this organization is a wonderful thing, but it doesn't really matter, either.

You can start a household or guild and invite members and if everyone believes in it, then it's important. If no one believes in it, it's not. That is, in fact, exactly what our orders are; a construct that we chose to believe in. The fact that they are in the organization by laws is just a sign that the organization choses to believe in them officially. It makes them not one bit more important than the compliment of your most revered mentor.

When I am dying, will I remember my SCA awards? I doubt it. Will I remember the hours I spent with Gyrth Oldcastle on his last Pennsic trip? Will I remember sitting in Hrothny's kitchen and talking about embroidery? Will I remember doing Celtic Festival with Finnr? The period Thanksgiving Dinner that Bryce organized and held in what was once my mother's house and the conversations that were had as if we were our medieval selves? The cannon going off to start my first field battle at Pennsic? You betcha.

The king or the organization cannot take away your influence on others, the reputation you have built up and the network of love and respect that you have accumulated. It is not in their power, because that is something that others give you freely and without expectations of reward. Nor can they dictate to whom you give that love and respect, for the same reason. Being all upset about their attempts to do so gives them that power; you are tossing your finest jewels at their feet. And THAT is what matters, what is real and important.

Yes, I agree with those whose feelings are hurt that you have been insulted and that your official role has been diminished. I beg those who disagree to be kind and compassionate and not further the insult by talking about crack pipes and the like. I think the insult is the result of lack of expertise in group dynamics, not of malice. But you can't be changed or diminished by someone else's actions. Just mutter 'what a jerk' or whatever makes you feel better to yourself and go about doing what you have always been doing. No one can destroy your dreams with a few words. The rest of us love and respect you and will miss you if you leave. And that is what is really important, that we continue to share our dreams with each other.
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