Feb 13, 2005 17:19
So today I went to look at the Neon I wanted to buy for $1100 dollars...they already sold it so now I'm buying a $5000 dollar car...GO FIGURE!! I know it will be good though and I'm soo excited to get it. I'm sooo stressed out about money because we are gettin an apartment and between the 3 of us it will be 250 a month plus a car payment, car insurance, cell phone, school loans!!! agggghhhh its gonna be tough but it's a chance to prove all those people back home who think i couldnt do it, that i can!! i can have a good job, make good, money without going to school, i mean i'm going back but i was sooo sick of people putting me down for not wanting to go to school now!! who the fuck cares, its my life and i'm happy with it