Just some quotes I made hope you like them

Aug 13, 2004 00:56

You asked me where I was all your life. I told you I’ve been at your door all along..........I just never knocked.

Your beauty is so amazing....but when you shed tears its like I’m looking at the sun, because it hurts my eyes to see you that way.

Even though my mind may carry the horrible memories my heart carries the horrible pain.

As the memories burn away they leave scars in my heart.

Heart- within it in it is the spirit and what keeps it alive is the mind, and what helps the mind is compassion withered in that is empathy what makes empathy is feelings and the only feeling that helps the heart is sensitivity to show it we use kindness which the heart controls.

You know that thing that guys usually say “Looks aren’t important” Because I’m that way too and I looked at that for a long time and I realized that guys and girls both think looks are important……Even if we don’t admit it. Because I realized something……we all do think looks are important because once you get to know that person you perceive to see the relevance of who they truly are and their inner beauty that once only showed within…….begins to materialize on the outside and once you begin to see them and talk them more and more each day you begin to see that. So the inner beauty that we fell in love from the inside we now fall in love with the beauty outside. Because the heart is so used to that feeling that that person gives them that the heart can cascade an image of what their real beauty is and cast it on to their facial appearance…...so we see that instead of how other people look at them. So looks are important. Even if we say they don’t……..but that just how I feel. That’s ……just the way I am.

I only hear in science about how the heart pumps blood through the body... That it’s only an organ that just does what the brain tells it do to but how does it make the feeling when you are in love? Is there something in the heart that dwells and lives? Does it or can it resist the mind and make it think twice about feelings? I think that the heart is stronger than the mind that it is actually the most important of all organs Even more than the brain because if it was just an ordinary organ we would not feel love or give any emotion to anyone. If it didn’t exist the world would be a place of nothing but greed and power.

How kind you are is in the heart not in your mind and nothing can change how ur heart feels or what it wants unless the heart really wants that your still who you are you only think that thats how you feel and there is nuthing wrong with that.

Whether upset, sad, happy. I’ll always be there for you. If someone dies that you know’ I’ll be there. If you need someone to talk and listen I’ll be there. If you need someone to hold I’ll be there. I’ll be there even if I’m nowhere near. Why I do these things. Is because I know you would do the same for me.

As we grow old. Time passes us by and changes the looks on things. Seasons change and erode objects away. We grow old and think nothing has been distorted, but at one point at one era in our life we perceive with our heart, and things change even the people we know whether mean or nice... they change.
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