Feb 21, 2006 20:48
Ah! where do I begin?
lets see....First, I put a movie on my ipod...well, not really, I dont have a video ipod, so I had to convert every frame of that 8 min clip to a picture, resulting in like, 20,000 images and a good 4GB on my ipod (which has 20 GB) but It looked good! I had to scroll to make the animations go, though. >o<
Lets see....Today we had a state test, resulting in us in staying in our homeroom all day, resulting in me getting all antsy because I had nothing to do as an outlet, And when I got home what did I get? Why, I got some screaming! I really want to leave now, These quarrels with my grandma and I are getting Immature and out of hand......Hmmmm..I just need to last until aprl 1st-Her Guranteed date when out apartment lease goes out and she leaves- hopefully until we can get our heads straight...(Which may just be never ;) )
I also got my laptop back today, I didnt have it because My dad had it at his house..and he is sick so I told him to take his time...Which I got today...I hope he gets well soon...
Well, Thats it for my rant TODAY-Hope this passes as a "wholesome" post!