With skin you'll win,

Sep 25, 2008 22:41

Goshy goshy. Around 2 more days till
 the BIGG day. How how?
When they say 'kids are a bunch of joy to be with',
It is true to some extent.
I was talking to a pri 1 girl on the phone for half and hour.
But she talks toooo loud. Still, She's so sweet can.
Rachel says,' I used to love teacher michelle, but now i love you, teacher."
AWWW. Rachel rachel, My new small friend.
Good luck for your oral okay. You wont fail, You'll go to pri 2! (:
Cheena oral was errrrrrrrr, to be frank, alittle terrible.
I kept repeating my answers cause i didnt know what
the on earth she was asking me.
Teacher: (In chinese) "So what do you think tourists like about singapore?"
Me: Err( In chinese) We're unique.
Teacher: (In chinese) In what way are we unique?
Me: Err. (In chinese) We're very unique.
Teacher: (In chinese) Is that all?
Me: (In halting chinese) Laoshi, can i leave now, i urgently need to
go to the toilet. Can?
Teacher: (In chinese) Okay, Is that all you have to say? If yes, you may leave.
Me: (English) Yah. (Chinese) Thanks, bye.

You'll only know the true meaning of loneliness when you experience it yourself.
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