i finally have headphones so i can listen to music in my room!!!! i think one more day without and i would have gone crazy from the deafening silence (how's that for an oxy moron, eh?)
while at stoneridge on wednesday alex helped me pick out two new keychains for my car keys (a mini fuzzy penguin with chipmunk cheeks and one with pink jewels) so now i save time searching for my more graspable(??) keys!
i played monopoly for the first time in close to a decade with alex and his friend ryan last night at alex's place. alex won. im a competitive person by nature, and alex can be.. how you say nicely... cocky when he knows he's going to win. and then he had to go and beat ryan and i again in poker. darn the bugger, i thought his day of reckoning would soon arrive. although i have to say i put up a mean fight while playing challenge, a variation on hold 'em poker. alex and i stayed up until 3am watched arrested development. and let me tell you, the episodes we watched until the early hours of the morning wery by far some of the most hilarious. BOB LOBLAW!!! if you say it aloud, it should sound something like "BLAH BLAH BLAH!"
my left eye has been going back and forth in creating water works. i think im getting sick :( ... maybe it has something to do with my insomnia and my sleep schedule getting all funky from early this week. ever since monday when i didnt get to sleep until 6am (i made my brother waffles though before he went to work!!!) ive been feeling more sick-y than usual. meehh, my sickness isnt enough to bring me down. and i think that after i just sang the bring it on cheer ("i'm sexy, i'm cute, i'm popular to boot") to alex just now over the phone (for the simple fact that its been on my mind and i finally googled for the cheer in its entirety) i will be in a good mood becuase i think i scared him. mwuahahah.
here's a picture from my cell phone of me giving the alex a piggy back ride at my house. note that alex is trying to strangle me.
tomorrow i have myself a full day of holiday cookie baking with my mother and brother!!!!! :)
"There is nothing disconcerting or unpleasant or unfortunate about this moment. It is exceptionally nice, ordinary, perfect."
[edit] and my top three new years resolutions for 2006 are:
In the year 2006 I resolve to:
Smuggle more puppies.
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In the year 2006 I resolve to:
Getting myself admitted to a mental institution.
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In the year 2006 I resolve to:
Ride a mechanical bull in drag.
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i think these three resolutions will prove to be not a challenge at all in their completion.[/edit]