Sep 28, 2006 15:45
I have mono again!!! HA ha no just kidding, but this week I've had il raffredore piu brutto del mondo! Veramente, si. Oh jeez louise I am so sick. I can't swallow. My ear hurts. My body aches. My nose is dry and things keep coming out of it. My kidneys hurt. My head is hot. Whenever I wake up it's in either a hot or cold sweat. Seriously. Ewwww. AND AND AND, this is even WORSE news because TOMORROW NIGHT is the HUGE DOUBLE KEGGER COSTUME PARTY at Bianca, Jackie, Matt, and Vanessa's, of which we have been planning for quite some time. Planning our costumes, the kegs, and the other extracurriculars we have on hand. Baaaaaah.
I should have seen this coming though, it really is too much to expect that you're going to be completely healthy if you drink heavily three nights a week and drink and do other things until late at night another three nights a week, leaving usually Sunday night off ha ha ha. Ugh and I had to go to one of the campus doctors so I could get a note excusing me from class and I couldn't stop crying in the waiting room because I always cry when I have a fever, I don't know why but it was super embarassing. And my glands are swollen to goiter-ous proportions. Oh woe is me!!!
AND Saturday night everyone's going to Cheese. And I have a ticket. And a effing nasty respiratory infection that has lasted five days and keeps getting worse! And today is Thirsty Thursday, I haven't had anything to drink since Saturday night/Sunday morning! This is a new record. And it's not like I've been doing anything productive either, except sleeping and moaning and groaning and bitching and whining. Aye de mi dios mio. Okay time to watch more tv and drink jamba juice smoothies, thank god there's a jamba juice a block away from my apartment or I would NOT NOT NOT be able to handle the journey!
PLEASE GOD help me get better, if you do I'll invite you to a sweet-ass party tomorrow night