Oct 15, 2008 22:10
So, here's your weird thought for the day:
I was reading a website talking about the foibles of wearing jeans -- the stretching problem, specifically. They start out fitting just fine but by the end of the day, we're all singing the Saggy Ass Blues.
In many of the comments for the posting, readers chatted about not washing jeans and how that was a good fix (buy 'em tight and just don't wash them; that way they always fit), and I have to say, my response was a resounding 'EW!!'
My follow-up response was: 'Do they not realize how badly they smell when they do shit like that?'
And my final deep thought was: 'Wait, or am I the only person in the world who, you know, generates what I always considered pretty normal human odors? Do I need to be going to the doctor about this? Am I a freak of nature?'
So, really, am I a total weirdo for washing my jeans (or khakis or any pair of pants that I put on, for that matter) if I've worn them for more than eight consecutive hours? I mean, I know I can be pretty OCD about a lot of stuff, but I didn't realize that I was a compulsive clothes-washer...
Frankly, if I am, I don't care. Bring on the dysfunction; I like feeling clean.