
Mar 03, 2007 19:51

Wordless speeches will quickly beseech us
Definite articles that never made it to print.
Enormous concussion
internal combustion
radioactive waste that is rubber and bent.

Delinquent romantics
are wasted on antics
popular devices are less to be known
Androgynous fixture 
produced from a mixture
that robots will gladly call home.

Deliverance is producing a light that will sporadically penetrate the forest of pessimism. One day the world will have to chose whether or not it has to end. It is not to be predicted and I know that now. Until that is concluded we are entombed in our violent and peculiar flesh. Cages are bones, bones are splints and splints can not fix us. We remember things because we want to dwell on events that have changed the way our cells react with one another.

The car veers from the road.
The cigarette is whipped into the wind.
Carried away are its components.
The paint is scratched and corroded.
By the time they find the metal carcass.
Believe that the trees were screaming.
I believed that I could make it.
I crawled out of the jumbled frame.
I crept into the road.
I was the road and I was lost in myself.
I took it myself, the poison.
The poison that became words.
Spoken onto a twisted lip.
The asphalt met the eyes.
The explosion was necessary.
I am damned.
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