*squees* I'm so excited to have found this! It was a happy accident, because I've been calling this ship "Kaymitch," so the term "Haymiss" never even occurred to me. I feel so stupid. :P Anyway, I wish I had something to give you guys (I have yet to draw/write for this pairing), so instead of just leaving you with a lame "OHHAITHAR, I'M ANOTHER diehard FAN!!" comment, I leave you with links to Kaymitch/Haymiss pics I've found on dA!
http://blood-and-lust-87.deviantart.com/favourites/?offset=168#/d2zlsiw http://blood-and-lust-87.deviantart.com/favourites/?offset=168#/d3082jg http://ashiebug.deviantart.com/art/Nobody-needs-to-know-Haymitch-Katniss-279023579?q=favby%3Ablood-and-lust-87%2F6902506&qo=182