Sep 08, 2004 00:27
Today i woke up not wanting to do much, i was so tired and week feeling. I sat around and played guitar for a while and spent alot of time thinking. I realy miss playing music. I wish i had enough cool people around to start a new band. Music is the way I would vent my anger. Lately I have so many ideas for new songs but no one to play them with.
At about 2 oclock I went to coldstone. The last few months of school last year I use to go there all the time with my friends before Practice and stuff. I missed doing that so I decided to go there and have candy meet me. Of course he ditched me. Thanks alot. But at coldstone Geroni and I sat around and talked for awhile. He said how people are just getting anoyying with the shit they have been pulling on me and that he was never serious when sayiing stuff about me. I always knew that but everyone else is just pissing me off when they say shit about me.
I came home and just felt sick. I had way to much on my mind and I needed a escape. I sat at the computer and rellized that so many people have been lieng to me and so many people just are mad at me. When my mom called me down for dinner I just couldnt eat. I felt to horrible. Im letting my feelings make me physically sick. I am left feeling empty, week and numb. I decided I should go for a run to clear my head. I went out and ran harder than I usaly do. The pain only made me feel better. I ran my usual 4 or 5 miles in my neiberhood and instead of going home I decided to keep going. I was having to much fun in pain from running so hard. I ran another 5miles into the middle of town. I stopped down by daveys house and found out he was at work but I talked to his brother for a while because he is a cool kid. I then started walking and stopped at hennels house to get somethen to drink. He gave me some Capri Suns to drink and then I went on walking. I made my way to the movie theaters. There I picked up money to buy a power bar and to by a book. On the way to the bookstore I saw Giblock actualy driving and he had megan in the car. It was good to see them. I bought the Choke and started to read some of that tonight. After I picked up the book I returned to the theater. and saw PAPARAZZI. It was a ok movie. After that I hung around and talked to the people working. I sat around for like a hour or so talking and reading. Then I helped them clean up a little and Danna gave me a ride home. The run and talking to people got my mind off the sucky people in my life.