Sep 10, 2009 12:52
If this is alittle random, I apologise. I have alot in my head that I want to get down and this is the short of it.
Finally, after 6 months of trouble, my back is showing a light at the end of the tunnel of pain. I walked to the staff room after having sat at my desk furiously marking for two and a half hours with out so much as a twinge. Normally this task would be excruciating, but nothing!
And there are three reasons for this.
Firstly, never again will i underestimate the power of a good bra.
Secondly, I have now lost four kilos which is taking the pressure of.
And third, the Podiatrist has bound and padded my feet within an inch of their life to support my arches and stop my feet rolling. The bandages are sore, but my feet feel incredible.
Derby training was awesome to watch. The girls were speed skating, booty blocking, toe running, coffin
Being a bench manager is not that different to being a drama teacher, organising people into position quickly and yelling at them when they aren't fast enough. I can handle that. Keeping track of the penalties will be a challenge, but I'll learn all of that soon. The next Bout is the 10th of October so I had better learn fast.
I'm running a few tests on the new camera tonight and tomorrow so that I'm familiar with it by Saturday. My plan is to negotiate a Wednesday off in the next 2 weeks to go down to Safety Bay Senior High and get some footage of the Freaks Courtyard; a kind of 'where it all began' piece for my little doco. Hopefully Chris Harlow is around:)
Duromine...interesting stuff. I took my first dose yesterday morning at 7 and didn't realise that i hadn't eaten until my stomach growlled at 8.30 pm. Still not hungry! It's awesome! I do feel a bit weird; dry mouth, alittle fuzzy in the head, allitle trouble sleeping. Nothing major. I was able to power on at the gym yesterday with little fatigue, but that may have also been my new feet. I'm keeping my water intake up at anyrate and being careful. No drinking on the weekend, I'll have to film instead:)