Would She Go Down With You To The Theater?

May 31, 2010 16:21

So I just saw the movie Clash of the Titans last night with my dad at the local movie theater, and honestly it was crap. We were trying to decide whether to go the Regal cinema at the mall a couple towns over and see either Robin Hood or Prince of Persia, but then when we drove by the local theater we saw that Clash of the Titans was playing there and starting in ten minutes, so my dad was like okay lets just watch that, so I was like ok whatever, though I'd rather go see Prince of Persia or Robin Hood.

So we buy our tickets, and my dad is trying to force popcorn on me, though I refuse because I'm trying to lose weight. So we're sitting in the lobby waiting with a few other people, and there is a TV in the lobby that's on CNN. I see that Larry King is on and he is doing an interview with the American Idols, and I laugh because I remember when he interviewed last year's Idols, and how awesome that interview was because I was so invested in the show last year. But this year, not so much. I hear a couple of people around me whisper things like 'Oh, I can't believe he won, that girl should have won' and people can never just be happy. Well, I'm not really happy, only because I could care less, but I am satisfied that Lee won. This is the first year that the person I was rooting for since the beginning (of the live shows) has won. This is the first year, but of course it has to be the crappiest year.

There is actually a pattern that has happened from Season 6-8 . 6 was my first year watching it, so that's why. So the pattern is my first favorite becomes the runner up, my second favorite gets voted off earlier on, and my third favorite, who then becomes my second favorite after my second fav. gets voted off, wins. That probably sounds confusing. So it goes like this:
Season 6
My fave - Blake Lewis
2nd fave - Chris Richardson
3rd fave - Jordin Sparks

Chris Rich was voted off 5th or something.
So then Jordin became my 2nd fave.
Blake was the runner-up. Jordin won.

Season 7
My fave - David Archuleta
2nd fave - Jason Castro
3rd fave - David Cook

Jason was voted off 4th.
So then Cook became my 2nd fave.
Archie was the runner-up and Cook won.

Season 8
My fave - Adam Lambert
2nd fave - Allison Iraheta
3rd fave - Kris Allen

Allison was voted off 4th
So then Kris became my 2nd fave.
Adam was runner-up and Kris won.

But this season was different. I usually count my faves starting at the Top 12. because I have other faves before then that don't make it too far. So this year my fave starting at the top 12 was Lee Dewyze and I don't even know who my 2nd and 3rd faves were. Probably Siobhan Magnus, then the Tim Urban, and only the Tim Urban sometimes. But when they were both voted off, which I forget when, the only person I liked who was left, was Lee. Yet at the finale, I didn't care if Crystal won.

So yeah, that's my American Idol rant, since I haven't done one all year. Usually I write of recap of my thoughts on it every week on my journal on DeviantArt. But I haven't gone on there in forever, so that's probably why.

Anyway, so onto the movie!
Before the previews I was wondering if they were going to show a preview for the movie Charlie St. Cloud, because I want to see that soooo bad. I know, Zac Efron, but still, I think he proved himself to be quite a decent actor in 17 Again, and this movie nnngh just watching the trailer made me cry. It is completely Winchester AU.

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But instead they showed the preview for The Losers, which was fine with me, because obviously, Sir (aka Jeffrey Dean Morgan).

So then the movie starts and I'm wondering if this is going to be about Heracles (or if you prefer to call him Hercules). My greek mythology is a bit fuzzy, but once I realized it was about Perseus, the whole movie I kept thinking along the lines of 'That's not how it happened!'
So still in the beginning, when they are on the sailboat, I realized Perseus was Sam Worthington, aka Jake Sully in Avatar who in parts of that movie greatly resembled Misha Collins. In this movie there was no such thing as a resemblance to Misha Collins.

The scene switches to Olympia (I can't remember if it is after his family drowns or not) and the only thing I knew about this movie prior to watching it is that Liam Neeson plays Zeus. And then the blinding white light kills my eyes. Seriously, does Zeus' suit of armor have to be so shiny? When Hades appears I am kinda thrown. (Hades has always been one of my fave Greek gods) I don't really Like this portrayal of him, and I'm also wondering why does he sound so familiar. Then I'm thinking is it weird that Hades has really beautiful eyes? Then I realize that that is Ralph Fiennes, and I tell my father 'Hey that's Lord Voldemort' which is what I tell people once I realize Ralph Fiennes is in a movie. Like when we watched Schindler's List in school, which, hey now that I think about it also had Liam Neeson. Oh I see what you did there, actors, I see what you did there. But anyway, through half of the movie, I couldn't figure out who that main mean Nazi soldier was, then I realized it, and I whispered to my friend 'That guy's Ralph Fiennes!' and she's like who? so I say Lord Voldemort, and she's like 'Omg you're right!' So yup, that's how that went down.

Then I couldn't help to think that he was just using his Voldemort voice for this role. It's the voice he puts on throughout the whole 4th movie before he gets his body back. You know, 'Kill the spare!'

But anyway this whole scene in Olympia doesn't seem right. In fact, every scene in Olympia throughout the movie is just bad. And it reminds me of A Never Ending Story,en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_NeverEnding_Story_(film) for some reason, and I used to love those movies.

Then comes some part where Perseus and the other warriors or whatever, are fighting these evil giant scorpio things, and I fall asleep. Seriously, that scene must have lasted for like 15 minutes and I fell asleep, because I hate those long drawn out scenes of battle, unless it actually focuses on what each character is doing to defeat the scorpion, not the way they did it where its just this huge mass of fighting, and it hurts your eyes when you try to pay attention to whats happening because everything is moving so fast. That's what made me clothes my eyes to begin with, and then I just fell asleep. But then when I woke up, they were going after these witches, and this scene totally reminded me of Macbeth, which is my favorite Shapkespear play out of the three that I have read ( the other two were A Midsummer's Night Dream and Romeo and Juliet).

Then some other stuff happens and Zeus gives Perseus a coin, and that weird blue alien guy says some stuff and my dad asks me what he said and I have no clue, and then he throws the coin in the water, and I'm like oh, they're paying for the boat to the underworld, and sure enough here comes the boat. Then the scene in the boat with Perseus and that girl totally reminded me Pirates of the Caribbean with Will and Elizabeth. Then for some reason everyone in my theater cracked up when the other guy interrupts them, when really it wasn't that funny.

So they get to Medusa and for some reason she just looks so CGI that it doesn't fit in at all. And they way she kill the two first guys is just stupid. They both are telling each other to keep their eyes down, but then when the first guy sees her in front of him he just raises his head. And the next guy, who was my fave character because he was the cutest, starts going ballistic, and then she kills him too. And then the blue guy, I didn't get what the hell he did. I couldn't understand what he said, so that was no help. My guess was that she couldn't turn him to stone because he wasn't human. And I thought he had some kind of bomb and he blew himself up, but only injured her. My dad said he was holding his heart. I don't know...

Perseus chops off her head and makes it out alive, and the guy who was struck by lightning comes back and stabs that girl, and then Perseus knocks him over a cliff or something. The girl dies and Perseus gets on Pegasus to fly back to the kingdom or whatever to stop the Kracken and save the princess from being sacrificed, or the rest of the town from destruction. He gets there and those hunters who left on the scorpions are there, and it definitley did not seem like enough time for them to get back there yet. Whatever, so Perseus shows the head of Medusa to the Kracken and the Kracken turns to stone, and I was like, I thought she only worked on humans, and that was why she couldn't turn the blue guy to stone. But my dad said the Kracken was human since it was the son of Hades. And that still made no sense to me. I don't think it was the son of Hades, Hades just created it. But whatever. movies are movies.

Then Hades comes and threatens them, but Perseus sends him back to the underworld. Then Zeus bring s the girl back and happily ever after, the end.

So this movie was all kinds of cheese and suck. My dad and I both agreed on that. And I really wished that we had gone to see Robin Hood or Prince of Persia instead. (Especially Prince of Persia because Jake Gyllenhaal = hot ) (And I did not have to look up how to spell his last name, because I'm that awesome.) (Watch that spelling be wrong, and I'm bragging about it, lol) (Okay now I did just look it up and yes, I am right, hahah!)

P.S. I need some friends on here

clash of the titans, american idol, movie review, rant

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