Jun 25, 2002 10:06
Im at tricias and she went to Babysit. She must be really tired cause we did some Pretty crazy stuff last night.
No drugs dont worry
We were just being crazy yesterday. First off we wanted to go to sunnys for a kids meal but I was comepletely broke..like no pennies. So we went out to Michael, and Will's truck and took like 6 bucks of their in change. It was halarious.
once we had the money which they never realized. We all went to Sunnys and Jef road in our car and payed for us. (yea i was around Jeff, an it was kinda awkard at first, but ended up being ok) So we got to keep all of our money. YES!
Then like a bunch of people were over here at tricias. Michael Jeff Pat Hunter Quinn Lauren Tricia and me. And Tricia and sat here or liek 2 hours talking to like Adam KOmizar and Blair...we were being the biggest losers. It was halarious..
Once everyone left from over here, ( everyone pretty much sat around on the floor doing perler beads and cracking on each other. it was great)which was like 12:30ish. We planned to go to Blair's house to pick up Tricias CDs out of his mailbox. He told us he was saving his money for new speakers so we got the CDs and left him a contributin t his speakers fund I think the total was like 62 cents. It was scandalous. Haha
THen we went to WalGreens with our 5 bucks in change and bought some crazy shit. Since they are open 24 hours. we got mechanial pencils wit lead hat hd like 5 different colors on it And we got play-doh. It was great. The lady woring thought it was the funniest thing EVER!
Wel FIrst, Did I ever tell you the story of the duck... I think not.
Well anyway last smmer me andTrica and no one knows why, but Megan Smernoff went to egg Tyler Zorns mailbox and on the way back, we saw this statue duck in someones yard. So we decided to take it. And we carried i like .5 of a mile and the thing weighed like75 lbs. And as we were carrying it we set it down at some poin intime and its HEAD broke off.
SOO we got back to tricias and glued it back on and put it on the floor of her bathroom closet.
So we wanted to do somthing crazy last night cause we always used to do like the crazyest shit in the middle ofthe night. So e snuck out and we got i my car with the duck, and took it back to the yard we took it from and put right back in the same place. We were cracking up.
Then we drove through tricias neighborhood for like 2 hours or so and fund other stuff to take. We took a stone bunny who was heavier then our duck. We both had to carry it to move it. We also stole an orange cone, a little butterfly on a mail box, a little bird thing and a flamngo. We didnt get in fro all this till 3:30 this morning.
MAn that was so crazy shit and last night in a whole was the most fun Ive had with Tricia since probably last summer. We were laughing so hard and she wasnt making me feel like a loser or trying to sound comepletly not a loser we were jst friends hving fun.
And we found these old picture from ou 4th grade talent show of us and her brother. Its the cutest picture in the world. i might have to take it and make a copy for me..
It was like old times.
BUT I STILL CANT WAIT FOR MARGARET TO COME HOME!!! So we can hang out and :: sigh:: TALK cause I definately cant really talk with Tricia, shell tell all my secrets to everyone. and she doesnt understand my perspectives.
::Turn up her Emo::
Its been so long since Ive seen margaret or heard her voice. I miss her So much.. I cant explain HOW much I miss her.
Word of advice never leave yur best friend for a month without any communication. And if your best friend leaves you, you better start preparing for weeks in advance.
Same with Lacey, I miss her terribly, I keep thinking I see her but, of course its not her.
::prays to room with Lacey at camp this year, it being the last chance::
Okay thats everything for now
Thanks blair for Tricias CD's