Well, initially it was *one* geek moment, but then I recalled the rest of the week and realized there have been more than a few, so, for the sake of procrastinating, here's a few. (divided by subject)
The reason I wrote this post initially was that 'Pinball Wizard' came on the iPod, which is currently being fed through speakers. The intro, which is solo acoustic chording, comes out of the left speaker, then a few bars in the electric comes in with this fairly distorted awesome sounding chord.....the geek bit is I've listened to the intro about 4 times now, because the split of the speakers just sounds SO cool!
Another one today was discussing with
Liarsdiary that I find it almost painful when the song playing on a car radio is a different tempo than the turn signal.
If the fact that I enjoy spending 5 hours at a microscope in one go isn't bad enough, I've noticed a tendency (picked up from the Invert Prof no doubt) to talk to the things under the microscope. I mean, I talk to myself enough, but now I've begun talking to dead bugs as I'm prodding them with tweezers. Yeesh.
Another invert one, I compared one of the species of worms we were looking at a few weeks ago to something I'd seen on an episode of the X-Files. Joe (the invert prof) did the exact same thing, with the exact same species and episode this past week.
For the sake of brevity I'll forgo the obscure-reference puns I've been making, that, and any mention of them tends result in my getting hit.
I'm probably forgetting some. Oh well.
Back to my reading.