Jan 10, 2007 16:25
I'm trying to find the words to accurately describe the dreams I had last night and they're just not coming.
How does one describe a dream where one is seemingly in a "Trans America" type scenario, (no, I was not transsexual) I was driving a car with some random druggie teenager and I had, of all things, a bottle of Codine.
So, as I'm driving, I start having this seizure type thing, where I can't see well, I'm getting twitchy, I'm hyper stuttering (worse than I used to as a kid) my teeth are clenched and we're all of a sudden being followed by cops.
We were speeding, by the way, well, I was.
The druggie teen was in the back seat with some thing wrong with him, so I was going to give him one of my Codine pills (I still don't know why they were there, or if they were even Codine, that's just the name I woke up remembering) only I couldn't let him have the whole bottle, or he'd steal them and OD or something (so I thought) and I apparently didn't want him to die.
Se we get pulled over for speeding like maniacs down a crowded city street and taken to some office somewhere, druggie teen disappears after this.
I'm talking with some police man explaining how I get nervous sometimes and then the seizure thing starts happening all over again! So the cop freaks out an around then the alarm went off but man.
So far, in dreams, I've been paralyzed, had my heart explode, died of some debilitating physiological disease, and now suffered from multiple seizures.
Would someone care to explain that?!?!
Maybe it was the spinach spaghetti...
There were other bizarre dreams as well (because I can't have just ONE pipe dream at a time, apparently they come in teams.) (And no, before any smart remarks are made, it was not an ACTUAL pipe dream, sheesh)
And people wonder why I don't sleep.
Is it bad that I am completely hooked on techno DDR songs?