Mar 30, 2006 19:06

Can't explain it very well without going into detail about the tears and shit that made up my walk home, but basically I'm upset and that upset is chanelled, right now, into anger. Which is better than crawling into bed I guess.

I am a smart, intelliget, capable woman who is being destroyed by her own feelings. I can see what I am doing to myself yet I often feel completely powerless to stop it. ARGH!

I intend to spend the night venting as creatively as possible. I might write, I might knit, I might re-do my LJ and such. If I can ever get hold of Brad I might go and watch Hostel as watching boys get murdered might cheer me up a great deal!

It's going to be a battle of wits between the intelligent me and the emotional me in the upcoming months. "Wits" is the wrong word for it, more like a "bloodbath of the mind". We shall see who shall raise truimphant from the ashes of my personality.

Boy am I pessimistic today!!


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