(no subject)

Jun 27, 2005 13:02

everything is going pretty well.

i love work. i've made some good friends there. the pay is shit...but the environment is worth it.

things with the family are going great. it's going to be really hard to leave my mom in august. we've gotten so close.

some of my friends are getting back in town. i've missed them. things are falling more so in place.

but i still miss GW. it's so weird. there, i always want to be here. but now i'm growing out of that. i miss D.C. i miss my friends. i miss classes (how weird!!). i miss frank. i can't wait to be back. mostly because, i have a completely new outlook...and i know this year is going to be so much better. i'm ready to do the whole college thing the CORRECT way this time.

i'm realizing alot. working on alot. in the past 2 months, i've really been growing up. and i've had alot of help. to all of you, thank you.

this is part of a response to an email my friend sent me about her boy problems. after reading it, i was very proud of everything i have learned. everything i understand now. and i'm just very proud of my attitude. i feel like i'm finally heading in the right direction. so here it is:

i know you're cautious. continue to be so. however, you must always trust your instincts. if you believe deep down that he is being genuine with you, and you feel safe telling him how you feel--then you need to do it. no one ever got anywhere by being afraid to make a move. self preservation is one thing; if you think he is messing with you, then keep your guard up. however, if you think he's being genuine...don't run the risk of guarding your feelings.

it's okay to open up to people. it's okay to move on. and it's okay to have feelings for another guy. although it would spare us alot of hurt in life, it would be completely inane to avoid situations where you could potentially be hurt. you and i have both known extreme heartbreak (although varying in circumstance and degree). it is the most heart wrenching and earth shattering experience. during the midst of it, you wished you had never set yourself up for it. you try to drive out every memory, and live your life as if you had never loved. then time heals everything a bit, and things start falling into perspective. god doesn't give you anything you can't handle. everything that happens in our lives is like a puzzle piece--it all helps create the person we become. so, as trite as it may sound...live your life each day--"carpe diem". don't be afraid of getting hurt. don't be afraid of making mistakes. because every mistake, every broken heart...they're all worth what you learn from it.

and one last closing statement; true broken hearts...they're worth the pain, because in order to have your heart truly broken--the moments preceding it are decidedly divine. no matter whether or not they have reached their end, nothing compares to the happiness you can find in loving another person. so don't be scared--it's okay to be vulnerable and to set yourself up for loving someone. you might get hurt, you might not...but the experience is always worth the end result--whatever that may be.

good luck, darlin. call me sometime. i love you!!
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