(no subject)

May 18, 2005 01:35

"For the life of me I cannot remember
What made us think that we were wise and
We'd never compromise
For the life of me I cannot believe
We'd ever die for these sins
We were merely freshmen"

and this marks the end of freshman year. it has been a new experience, and it has introduced me to an entirely new life. i have changed: mostly in ways i didn't want to. but i have learned from everything, and i have an entire summer at home to reflect upon this experience, and figure out how to improve everything next year. i'm excited about all of the growing up i have ahead of me. and i value everything that has happened here thus far.

adriane purzycki, i have no idea if i will ever see you again. saying goodbye to you was one of my most heart wrenching moments. although we had our moments without speaking, and we assumed we hated one another--the truth has always been that i love you, and you mean so much to me. i love talking to you, and i'm certain that the two of us could have figured out the world here in HOVA 601 if boys and classes hadn't have interrupted our discussions that lasted for hours. you were so much more than a roommate, and more than a friend. you are my sister. and i will always love you. no matter whether or not i see you again, you're in my heart--and i will never forget you or our amazing connection.

gina girl...where do i start?? on the first day of school, your wonderful and contagious laughter brightened my sadness that i was trying to drown in a bowl of easy mac. you are my favorite person here at GW, and i love you so much. you make me laugh more than anyone, and i absolutely love being a bitch with you. i know i can always count on you, and you're a perfect shoulder to cry on. although you have social ADD, i forgive you :) i am so grateful for how close we became, and i cannot wait to see you this summer. i love you, gina girl.

kris, we've really been through alot. you have been here for me through thick and thin. although you don't always know exactly what to say--i know that i can count on you for anything. thank you for doing whatever you can to help me. i always have your back and i know you have mine. we've had great times together, and i cannot wait for next year. i'll miss you so much this summer...and i won't be able to get ice cream without thinking of you. i love you!!

so many memories are in this room. it's weird to think that there were memories before me, and there will be more after me. it kind of devalues everything that has happened. this room has seen angry fights and tears between me and adriane and me and frank. it has seen long heart to hearts and "we're talking shit but think it's perfectly fine" sessions between me and adge. our door has had kristin welch beat the hell out of it. our poor shower was defiled by john and adriane's raunchy sex...and our thermostat was knocked off the wall by the same behavior. my bed contained endless cuddle sessions, tickle fights and long talks and giggles with frank dale. and we can never forget the mirror that makes even itsy bitsy adriane look like a heifer. i'll be a dork and say this about HOVA 601: "it was the best of times, it was the worst of times."

ali, gina, kris, carly, judith, adge...we have all had our moments.
ali: our trip to UPenn. your silly guessing games. our wonderful getaway to your house. clubbing. intramural soccer, and the stalker that it gave you. discussions about religion and break ups. all of our trips to ivory for overpriced, mediocre food.

gina: lots of hugs. talking shit, and fueling one another's bitchiness. laughing and giggling about everything. how we think judonn looks like big bird. shopping. studying together...but talking 90% of the time. giving away frank's cookies. reassuring you that beefcakes is no threat, and ascertaining that you have moved on (don't you forget it). the fucking transie. being whores together at clubs. laughing at "white eyelash".

kris: too many things: timmy and the umbrella. the o.c. in austin's room. me trying to hook you up with everyone (now that i'm single, you don't have to worry about it anymore!!). me bitching seth out. sharing a kiss with both you and your sister. all of the brunches i slept through. procrastinating together. dinner on the vern. clubbing. hating chaz. and how i won't forgive you for pushing me into the potomac.

drea, you have always been very dear to me. we have seriously been through everything together--and i know that i can depend on you for anything. although we had our bouts without talking here at GW, i know that nothing has changed: you are one of my best friends, and i can always lean on you. thank you for always being available to answer my early morning hysterical phone calls. thanks for always coming over when i needed you. i don't know what i would do without you here, and i'm very grateful you didn't choose UPenn. i love you, dre bear.

abhi...i'm glad we moved past our fake hatreds for one another (who can ever forget our first days here at Gdubb). thank you for always listening to me. i know you feel like the 3rd person in mine and frank's relationship--but thanks for always putting up with it. i know i can count on you for anything, and your friendship means so much to me. i'm so thankful that i found you here, and you better keep in touch next year, buddy.

we have never been close. we've had good times together, and have always had the potential to be good friends. it still sickens me that you kissed frank, and on some level it will always bother me. however, i am happy that we have reached an understanding. i think you're a great person, and i only regret that we could not have been better friends. but this whole situation with you has helped me grow, and i'm so glad that you are so compassionate and understanding towards me. i hope i don't have to see you being romantically involved with my francis next year, but if so, at least i got past this whole immature hatred thing.

frank dale. your name has filled my mind for the past 8 months. you penetrated your way into my heart, and it will be very long before i can let you out. you broke my heart. however, the moments preceeding that fateful moment are the best of my life. you are an amazing person. i will never forget your handsome face, and how i could never resist kissing it. i will never forget how safe i felt lying in your arms. i will never forget all of our conversations, and how we always connected on a perfect level. i will never forget how you ceaselessly supported me. you are the love of my life, and you will be the guy to whom i compare everyone else. i will miss you, and i hope that we can find some type of closure in the future. until then, i love you with all of my heart, and that will never change. if you ever need strength, lean on me--because i believe in and respect you, and i would do anything for you.

goodbye freshman year. this summer is a time for rebuilding, self discovery, and lots of rest. i cannot wait until next year to see all of you again. until then, have a happy and wonderful summer. i love y'all.
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