to: daddy

Oct 23, 2005 19:39

omg last night was so fucked up-i dont even know what to say about it. but this should explian it * I went to a party w/ my dad*! but Jakob(daddy) is really pissed at me for something I didnt do... which really sux b/c i luv him to death and i wouldnt do anything(purposely) to piss him off- and he should know that.but what ever. fuck it im done trying to help people b/c all it ever does is turns around and bites me in the ass. hmmmmmm- yah so im being very bitchy today. i miss my friends and wish they would care, but hell what can i say? but im gonna go clean my room and take something to make me go to sleep, but i doubt it will work b/c i just now woke up- so lotz a luv HERE----hayhay
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