Just when I'm in the mood

Mar 11, 2005 07:20

... for replying to people's posts, there's hardly anything new for me to comment on. Oh well, I shall be forced to bore the world with my mundane life.
Today shall be filled with
1) Drafting an affidavit
2) Drafting an appeal (buggered if I have a clue what to do in that one)
3) Bruce Springsteen music to assist in the above tasks
4) Me trying to limit my movements to allow my leg time to be good for tonight
5) Lunch with one of my few remaining friends from the evil firm I used to work with (although she escaped too come to think of it)
6)Me no doubt trying to inflict Bernard music onto the newbies at work (although inflict makes it sound like a painful process which it is anything but)
7) Me rushing home from work to check if my package of Springsteen stuff has arrived from Melbourne
8) Dependent on 7)above, me ringing my friend from work to share the exciting news (my friend will share in the joy with me)
9)Me probably being disappointed that neither 7) nor 8) above will happen.
10)Wishing the day would be over so tonight would be here quicker
11) McLachers loving !!!!!!!!!!!!!!