Jun 15, 2006 19:29
Today has been one of those upsie downsie days...
Firstly, I got into work and I heard this guy at work who I don't like talk about me. I got alittle worked up and upset by what he said but thought about it and I just let it go over my head. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion on people - feck him.
Secondly, while out on delivery I had some jip from these school kids and one even decided to flash his boxers at me - whyyy?! and because my face didn't react it pissed him off and he stopped fucking about. lol
Thirdly, I get in from work, have food, chat to this guy who loved himself so much he bore me, had an hours sleep and then got ready for my second shift. While brushing my teeth I get a knock at the door - It's TV Licensing... "Afternoon, I am from TV Licensing...Do you have a license sir?" - Err.. YES, I replied. I showed him and he thought it was a fake so he called his office and it was real - TWAT!!!
Fourthly, While out on collections from the post boxes - I left the keys in one. DUH! Fortunately they were still in there when they checked. *wipes head* lol
... then after all that crap from today I went to the gym - seen that sexy gymboi who said "hiya, you ok?, you on your own today?" I said yes... only for today tho! Oh I so want him... he is sooo cute! I'll have to keep dreaming!!! lol
Now tonight I am gonna chill out, have some food and probs go bed early. I am absolutely shattered.