Kitchen Fever

Mar 29, 2006 21:57

Today I was certainly on a mission from the moment I woke up. I went and did my shopping which was essential because the cupboards were bare. I came home and started on my kitchen. It needed a good clean before I started to move things around and un-pack the new appliances I bought. The kitchen is looking really good but will be so much better when I actually strip the walls and re-paper it. It's going to take a full two days but at least then it's done for a while.

At the minute I am stuck between colour's...

  or Magnolia. The units are more magnolia but I dunno. Grr!

What do you think?!

I am working tomorrow and I have to be honest - I seriously don't wanna go in. Like I have explained previously - It's been really bad. It's only a few more days and I am off for a full week so it can't be to bad. I really need a night out on Saturday and with no work on Monday I can go out and get absolutely wasted if I wanna!! hehe Probably won't but hey.. it's fun to dream.

I just finished watching The Biggest Loser on Living and I so wanna look good, slim and toned. I am not huge, nor am I fat - just average and if I can go down to slim it would be so great. Next week I have promised I will go to the gym every single day and I will. I have to look all fab for my trip down to Wales and show off to the family and some old friends! Mmm!

Anyways, hope all are great... night! 

flat, work, tv, gym, decorating, me

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